set noautoindent "(i like syntax colors, but leave my braces alone!) "set autoindent set nobackup "(no more file~ ) set backspace=2 "(enable backspace to work sanely, ie kill your rant "about deleting characters) set nocompatible "(dont be bug for bug like vi) set comments=b:#,:%,fb:-,n:>,n:) "(good for email/newsgroups) set dictionary=/usr/dict/words "(spell checking, passed to another " program like all good unix apps) set noerrorbells " dont beep at me set joinspaces " get rid of extra whitespace when (J)oining lines set magic "I don't know, but why get rid of magic! set showcmd "show your command at the bottem of the screen while "typing set showmode " display at bottem of screen your mode (ie " -- INSERT --) "set expandtab "set shiftwidth=4 "set softtabstop=4 set tabstop=4 "8 space tabs are evil. set showmatch "Show matching brackets " LKML settings set backupcopy=auto,breakhardlink map ^iSigned-off-by: Eric Sandall ^ map! Signed-off-by: Eric Sandall highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=red guibg=red match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/ " Correcting those typos. [I almost never get these right. :-(] " See also: " These work like word's autocorrect iab alos also iab aslo also iab accesories accessories iab accomodate accommodate iab acheive achieve iab acheiving achieving iab acn can iab acommodate accommodate iab acomodate accommodate iab adn and iab agian again iab ahppen happen iab ahve have iab allready already iab almsot almost iab alot a lot iab alreayd already iab alwasy always iab amke make iab anbd and iab andthe and the iab aplyed applied iab appeares appears iab applyed applied iab appraoch approach iab arguement argument iab artical article iab audeince audience iab audiance audience iab awya away iab bakc back iab balence balance iab baout about iab bcak back iab beacuse because iab becasue because iab becomeing becoming iab becuase because iab becuse because iab befoer before iab begining beginning iab beleive believe iab boxs boxes iab bve be iab changeing changing iab charachter character iab charecter character iab charector character iab cheif chief iab circut circuit iab claer clear iab claerly clearly iab cna can iab colection collection iab comany company iab comapny company iab comittee committee iab commitee committee iab committe committee iab committy committee iab compair compare iab compleated completed iab completly completely iab comunicate communicate iab comunity community iab conected connected iab cotten cotton iab coudl could iab cpoy copy iab cxan can iab danceing dancing iab definately definitely iab develope develop iab developement development iab differant different iab differnt different iab diffrent different iab disatisfied dissatisfied iab discoverd discovered iab doese does iab doign doing iab doller dollars iab dollers dollars iab donig doing iab driveing driving iab drnik drink iab ehr her iab embarass embarrass iab equippment equipment iab esle else iab excitment excitement iab eyt yet iab familar familiar iab feild field iab fianlly finally iab fidn find iab firts first iab follwo follow iab follwoing following iab foriegn foreign iab foudn found iab foward forward iab freind friend iab frmo from iab fro for iab fwe few iab gerat great iab geting getting iab giveing giving iab goign going iab gonig going iab govenment government iab gruop group iab grwo grow iab haev have iab happend happened iab haveing having iab hda had iab helpfull helpful iab herat heart iab hge he iab hismelf himself iab hsa has iab hsi his iab hte the iab htere there iab htey they iab hting thing iab htink think iab htis this iab hvae have iab hvaing having iab idae idea iab idaes ideas iab ihs his iab immediatly immediately iab indecate indicate iab independance independence iab independant independent iab independantly independently iab insted instead iab insted intead iab inthe in the iab iused used iab iwll will iab iwth with iab jsut just iab knwo know iab knwos knows iab konw know iab konws knows iab levle level iab libary library iab librarry library iab librery library iab liek like iab liekd liked iab liev live iab likly likely iab littel little iab liuke like iab liveing living iab loev love iab lonly lonely iab mainting maintaining iab makeing making iab mkae make iab mkaes makes iab mkaing making iab moeny money iab mroe more iab mysefl myself iab myu my iab neccessary necessary iab necesary necessary iab nkow know iab nwe new iab nwo now iab ocasion occasion iab occassion occasion iab occurence occurrence iab occurrance occurrence iab ocur occur iab oging going iab ohter other iab omre more iab onyl only iab opperation operation iab optoin option iab optoins options iab orginized organized iab otehr other iab otu out iab owrk work iab peopel people iab perhasp perhaps iab perhpas perhaps iab pleasent pleasant iab poeple people iab porblem problem iab probelm problem iab protoge protege iab puting putting iab pwoer power iab quater quarter iab questoin question iab reccomend recommend iab reccommend recommend iab receieve receive iab recieve receive iab recieved received iab recomend recommend iab reconize recognize iab recrod record iab religous religious iab rwite write iab rythm rhythm iab seh she iab selectoin selection iab sentance sentence iab seperate separate iab shineing shining iab shiped shipped iab shoudl should iab similiar similar iab sincerly sincerely iab smae same iab smoe some iab soem some iab sohw show iab soudn sound iab soudns sounds iab statment statement iab stnad stand iab stopry story iab stoyr story iab stpo stop iab strentgh strength iab stroy story iab struggel struggle iab strugle struggle iab sucess success iab swiming swimming iab tahn than iab taht that iab talekd talked iab tath that iab teh the iab tehy they iab tghe the iab thansk thanks iab themselfs themselves iab theri their iab thgat that iab thge the iab thier their iab thme them iab thna than iab thna than iab thne then iab thnig thing iab thnigs things iab thsi this iab thsoe those iab thta that iab tihs this iab timne time iab tje the iab tjhe the iab tkae take iab tkaes takes iab tkaing taking iab tlaking talking iab todya today iab tongiht tonight iab tonihgt tonight iab towrad toward iab truely truly iab tyhat that iab tyhe the iab useing using iab veyr very iab vrey very iab waht what iab watn want iab wehn when iab whcih which iab whic which iab whihc which iab whta what iab whta what iab wief wife iab wierd weird iab wihch which iab wiht with iab windoes windows iab withe with iab wiull will iab wnat want iab wnated wanted iab wnats wants iab woh who iab wohle whole iab wokr work iab woudl would iab wriet write iab wrod word iab wroking working iab wtih with iab wya way iab yera year iab yeras years iab ytou you iab yuor your " cnoremap " cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap b cnoremap cnoremap f cnoremap cnoremap " Note: More info about this is in the helptexts: :help emacs-keys " " Additional codes for that "English" keyboard at the Xterminal cnoremap [D cnoremap [C " ;rcm = remove "control-m"s - for those mails sent from DOS: cmap ;rcm %s///g " " =================================================================== " Editing of email replies and Usenet followups - using autocommands " =================================================================== " set the textwidth to 70 characters for replies (email&usenet) au BufNewFile,BufRead .followup,.letter,tmp/mutt*,nn.*,snd.*,pico.* set tw=70 "(much snippage here too) "this is the reason I use vim "if has("syntax") syntax on hi! Comment term=bold ctermfg=cyan guifg=Blue "endif