2005-04-15 Added my work on Converting a machine to SMGL 2004-11-17 Added my work on multi-architecture 2004-10-30 Added menu link to my SVN grimoire to browse via the web. 2004-02-17 Removed the PPC Port information, since there wasn't much and Unet is doing better. ;) 2004-02-09 Updated my SPARC ports page now that CROSS_INSTALL is working in Sorcery 2003-12-18 Changed my grimoire to use rsync, now that Sorcery supports it. 2003-10-07 Added information on my custom grimoire Added more channels to the listing Removed mirrored sources, I don't have the bandwidth ;-( 2003-04-21 Added SMGL SETI@Home Team information 2003-01-08 Updated Sparc Project info. Updated GNU/HURD Project info (added files). Added SMGL logo to icon and top page. 2002-11-07 Added news info. Added Home, Mirrored Sources, About Me, and E-mail me links on the menu.
This is my page about Source Mage GNU/Linux and subprojects that I'm working on which relate to it. Check out the other Developer's of Source Mage! Sandalle's Grimoire # scribe add sandalle from rsync://sandall.us::sandalle The old sandalle.tar.bz2 tarball will no longer be updated and will be removed in one month (Januray 18). SMGL IRC: Host: irc.freenode.net:6667 Channels: #sourcemage (or #sourcemage-{language}, e.g. sourcemage-fr for French) General help and discussion for SMGL. #grimoire-gurus Channel for Guru talk. #smgl-admin Meeting channel, all are welcome to listen in on Sundays. Check http://news.sourcemage.org/ for meeting times. #smgl-politics Non-SMGL-related discussion (weather, world news, etc.) #smgl-keysigning Come here to verify you are who you say you are and have your PGP/GPG key signed. #smgl-{architecture} (e.g. smgl-sparc) Talk about ports in progress and/or help for installing SMGL on another architecture. SMGL SETI@Home Team Source Mage SETI@Home Team